Become a member

S.A. DaVinci

Why become a member

We offer you fun activities outside of school and many opportunities to meet new people during those activities. We hope to give you the time of your life during your education at Venlo. Enjoy nights out with fun themed parties, cool activities like laser gaming, bowling, go-karting and of course our annual events like the beer cantus and Christmas gala.

De Lange

Parade 38, 5911 CC Venlo

By De Lange, you are able to enjoy discounts on all your drinks during your nights out! May this be on a S.A DaVinci event, or a different night. Show your S.A. DaVinci card and enjoy a drink with the sweet aftertaste of discount. Below we have listed the prices for you.

De Graanbeurs

Gasthuisstraat 1, 5911 JJ Venlo

By De Graanbeurs, you are able to enjoy 20% discount on your meal! Just show your S.A. DaVinci card when you are going to pay the bill. This makes it so that you can buy that hangover morning meal for a sweet sweet affordable price and get delicious food!

20% discount on your meal;


However, there are also activities where you enter only as a member or where you are given priority as a member. Here we are talking about the Active Members Weekend and DaVinSki. During the Active Members Weekend, we will take you for a weekend full of cool activities linked to one theme, for an even better "bonding experience." Don't expect to sleep though, you will spend the whole evening with your beer. 

DaVinSki is our annual ski trip and takes place around February. Together with the other participants you travel to the Alps where you can ski and snowboard for a long weekend. And don't forget the Aprés Ski parties, which play as big a role as the skiing itself. Both members and non-members can participate in this activity, but as a member you get priority in the applications.

S.A. DaVinci also organizes Thursday Afternoon Drinks where you can take a break from school. And in March (the month of networking) you can broaden your network and put new contacts on your list. In addition, you have the opportunity to contact our sponsors, should you need an internship for your third or fourth year.